California Forms of Jury Instruction

The most comprehensive and comprehensible jury instructions for use in California civil litigation is now available.

Publisher: Matthew Bender Elite Products

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Product description

The most comprehensive and comprehensible jury instructions for use in California civil litigation is now available.

Streamline the Drafting Process.

California Forms of Jury Instruction contains clear, authoritative guidelines that will speed and simplify your drafting tasks in many areas of civil litigation. With hundreds of instructions already drafted for you, adapting instructions to the facts of your case is quick and easy.

This publication includes all of the official Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI), which cover over 40 topics including Evidence, Contracts, Torts, Civil Rights, Eminent Domain, and much more. The publication also includes Matthew Bender specific jury instructions (MBs) that enhance CACI or cover areas of law that are not addressed by CACI, such as instructions relating to:

• Construction contracts
• Real property sales
• Business torts
• Debtor-creditor relations

Make Instructions More Understandable to Jurors.

Both the CACI and MB instructions are drafted to make them comprehensible to the average juror.

Every chapter (whether a CACI or MB chapter) includes (1) actual, plain-English jury instructions; (2) directions for using the instructions; and (3) sources and authorities supporting the instructions. Most CACI chapters also include verdict forms.

The publication is an excellent initial research tool, giving practitioners the 'bottom line' when evaluating a case, whether or not it ever goes to trial.

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Table of contents

Volume 1

Chapter 1 California Judicial Council Pretrial Instructions
Chapter 1A Matthew Bender Introduction to California Jury Instructions
Chapter 2 California Judicial Council Evidence Instructions
Chapter 3 California Judicial Council Contracts Instructions
Chapter 3A Matthew Bender Formation of Contract Instructions
Chapter 3B Matthew Bender Interpretation of Contract Instructions
Chapter 3C Matthew Bender Contract Party Instructions
Chapter 3D Matthew Bender Performance and Breach of Contract Instructions
Chapter 3E Matthew Bender Contract Damages Instructions
Chapter 3F Matthew Bender Contract Defenses Instructions
Chapter 3G Matthew Bender Rescission of Contract Instructions

Volume 2

Chapter 3H Matthew Bender Commercial Code Sales Contracts Instructions
Chapter 4 California Judicial Council Negligence Instructions
Chapter 5 California Judicial Council Medical Negligence Instructions
Chapter 6 California Judicial Council Professional Negligence Instructions
Chapter 7 California Judicial Council Motor Vehicles and Highway Safety Instructions
Chapter 8 California Judicial Council Railroad Crossings Instructions
Chapter 9 California Judicial Council Common Carriers Instructions
Chapter 10 California Judicial Council Premises Liability Instructions
Chapter 11 California Judicial Council Dangerous Condition of Public Property Instructions
Chapter 12 California Judicial Council Products Liability Instructions

Volume 3

Chapter 13 California Judicial Council Assault and Battery Instructions
Chapter 14 California Judicial Council False Imprisonment Instructions
Chapter 15 California Judicial Council Malicious Prosecution Instructions
Chapter 16 California Judicial Council Emotional Distress Instructions
Chapter 17 California Judicial Council Defamation Instructions
Chapter 18 California Judicial Council Right of Privacy Instructions
Chapter 19 California Judicial Council Fraud or Deceit Instructions
Chapter 19A Matthew Bender Fraud and Deceit Instructions
Chapter 20 California Judicial Council Trespass Instructions
Chapter 21 California Judicial Council Conversion Instructions
Chapter 21A Matthew Bender Conversion Instructions
Chapter 22 California Judicial Council Economic Interference Instructions
Chapter 22A Matthew Bender Interference With Economic Relations Instructions

Volume 4

Chapter 23 California Judicial Council Insurance Litigation Instructions
Chapter 23A Matthew Bender Insurance Contract Instructions
Chapter 24 California Judicial Council Wrongful Termination Instructions
Chapter 24A Matthew Bender Employment Contract Instructions
Chapter 25 California Judicial Council Fair Employment and Housing Act Instructions
Chapter 26 California Judicial Council California Family Rights Act Instructions
Chapter 27 California Judicial Council Labor Code Actions Instructions
Chapter 28 California Judicial Council Workers' Compensation Instructions
Chapter 29 California Judicial Council Federal Employees' Liability Act Instructions
Chapter 30 California Judicial Council Civil Rights Instructions

Volume 5

Chapter 31 California Judicial Council Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act Instructions
Chapter 32 California Judicial Council Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act Instructions
Chapter 33 California Judicial Council Unfair Practices Act Instructions
Chapter 33A Matthew Bender Unfair Competition Instructions
Chapter 34 California Judicial Council Cartwright Act Instructions
Chapter 35 California Judicial Council Eminent Domain Instructions
Chapter 35A Matthew Bender Inverse Condemnation Instructions
Chapter 36 California Judicial Council Conspiracy Instructions
Chapter 37 California Judicial Council Vicarious Responsibility Instructions
Chapter 38 California Judicial Council Equitable Indemnity Instructions
Chapter 39 California Judicial Council Damages Instructions
Chapter 40 California Judicial Council Lanterman-Petris-Short Act Instructions

Chapter 41 California Judicial Council Breach of Fiduciary Duty Instructions

Chapter 42 California Judicial Council Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act Instructions

Chapter 42A Matthew Bender Fraudulent Transfer Instructions

Volume 6

Chapter 43 California Judicial Council Unlawful Detainer Instructions

Chapter 43A Matthew Bender Unlawful Detainer Instructions

Chapter 44 California Judicial Council Trade Secrets Instructions

Chapter 45 California Judicial Council Construction Law Instructions

Chapter 45A Matthew Bender Construction Contract Instructions
Chapter 50 California Judicial Council Concluding Instructions
Chapter 70A Matthew Bender Trade Libel or Disparagement Instructions
Chapter 71A Matthew Bender Common Counts for Indebtedness Instructions
Chapter 72A Matthew Bender Debt Collection Torts Instructions
Chapter 74A Matthew Bender Professional Liability in Real Property Transactions Instructions
Chapter 75A Matthew Bender Real Property Sales Instructions
Chapter 76A Matthew Bender Acquiring Title to Real Property Instructions
Chapter 77A Matthew Bender Easement Instructions
Disposition Table
Tables of Related Instructions
Table of Reported Cases Citing CACI
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes