Advertising agreement template

Use this free advertising agreement template next time you engage a new agency or freelancer for advertising work.

Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

Creating an advertising agreement can be a daunting task. But it's a step you can't afford to skip.

Follow this guide to learn all about advertising agreements and their operation. Plus grab a free advertising agreement template for your own use.

What is an Advertising Agreement?

An advertising agreement (occasionally called an advertising contract) is a comprehensive contract that outlines the specific terms and conditions of the collaboration between your business and the advertising agency or freelancer you are partnering with.

This agreement covers everything from the scope of the advertising campaign, the creative process and media buying to the projected timelines, the payment structure and the protocols for ending the contract.

By detailing all these aspects in a legally binding document, both parties' interests are safeguarded, providing a clear reference point for all agreed-upon expectations and responsibilities.

What is the purpose of an advertising agreement?

Advertising agreements serve several specific purposes:

What does an advertising agreement include?

The specifics of an advertising agreement can differ significantly based on the client's individual needs and the range of services the advertising agency provides.

However, a standard advertising agreement generally includes:

How are advertising agreements usually managed?

In the past, the management of advertising agreements has been a paperwork-heavy process.

The need to juggle multiple documents, keep track of various versions, and navigate through different approval workflows can lead to costly errors and major inefficiencies.

Legal teams responsible for drafting and managing these advertising agreements often find themselves swamped with administrative tasks, shuttling between different tools and document versions.

This manual approach can lead to wasted resources and communication gaps, not to mention valuable missed opportunities.

How can an advertising agreement template simplify this process?

The process becomes considerably more manageable when teams have a well-structured, simple advertising agreement template at their disposal.

Instead of creating contracts from the ground up, businesses can store their advertising agreement templates in a contract management tool like Juro, allowing them to automate contract creation.

Automated contract templates in Juro can be used to generate contracts in a matter of seconds. Teams simply build a contract from the pre-approved template.

The templates are then auto-filled using a straightforward Q&A workflow or by importing contract data from other business tools via an integration.

This approach ensures that advertising agreements can be created swiftly, with minimal repetitive admin required.

Streamline advertising agreements with Juro

Juro can also streamline the contract management process beyond contract creation. In fact, Juro is an AI-enabled all-in-one contracting tool, meaning that Juro users can:

1. Negotiate contracts in real-time

Juro enables you to negotiate the terms of advertising agreements directly from your web browser.

Wave goodbye to lengthy and confusing email threads or the challenge of tracking changes across multiple document versions.

All stakeholders can collaborate on the same document simultaneously, making the negotiation process smooth and efficient.

2. Sign contracts electronically

Juro's platform incorporates native electronic signing capabilities, making the signing process faster and more convenient.

There's no need to deal with the hassles of printing, scanning, or mailing documents just for signatures.

Parties can add legally binding signatures to the advertising agreement in seconds.

3. Securely store contracts

Once your advertising agreements are signed, Juro offers a secure contract repository for storage.

You can access valuable information from your agreements whenever necessary, which is useful for tracking obligations, understanding client relationships, and making strategic decisions.

4. Gain immediate insight into contracts

The search functionality in Juro goes beyond just document titles. With Optical Character Recognition (OCR), you can search the contents of your advertising agreements to quickly find specific clauses, terms, or parties.

Looking to automate routine contracts in 2023?

Juro simplifies the entire contract workflow, enabling businesses to automate up to 75% of routine tasks and agree contracts up to ten times faster with powerful AI.

If managing advertising agreements has become painful for your business, Juro is the solution for you.

Hit the button below to book a personalized demo and find out more.