Steve Pizer, Christine Yee and Yevgeniy Feyman briefed Carolyn Stoesen of the Chief Strategy Office, and Edward Jhu from Milliman on PEPReC’s findings on Veterans’ reliance on VHA health care; 2021 Feb 24; Online Briefing.
Austin Frakt, Mike Frueh, Amy Kilbourne, Dave Zlowe, and Darius Jamshidi. VA subject matter experts for program evaluator job series for U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Pizer SD, Stoesen C, Mattison Brown V, Gall DW, Manning B, Randles M, Jones S, Jhu E, Mitchell RA, Duke L. Monthly enrollment & forecasting briefing with Chief Strategy office for EIC Dr. Richard Stone; 2020 Jul 29; Online briefing.
MacDonald J, Clancy C, Akinyele M, Matthews K, Pizer SD, Garrido MM, Spencer B, Ghosh R, Cornacchio D. Implementing Mission Act Section 152.1703E (Care and Payment Innovation): Briefing before the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee; 2020 Jul 2; Online briefing.
Pizer SD, Stoesen C, Mattison Brown V, Gall DW, Manning B, Randles M, Jones S, Jhu E, Mitchell RA, Duke L. VHA COVID-19 and Economic Recession Impact Discussion: Briefing before the Executive in Charge, Dr. Richard Stone; 2020 Jun 29; Online briefing.
Pizer SD. Economic ramifications of increasing staffing so wait-times would be no more than 20 days: Briefing before the Office of Enrollment and Forecasting, Carolyn Stoessen and staff; 2020 May 11; Online briefing.
Minegishi T, Strombotne KL, Frakt AB, Barr K. Preliminary findings of the evaluation of the Stratification Tool for Opioid Risk Mitigation, focused on Serious Adverse Events, mortality outcomes in the high risk (1-5% risk) dashboard patients: Briefing before the Program Evaluation and Resource Center, VA Office of Mental Health Operations (Jodie Trafton, Elizabeth Olivia, and Friedhelm Sandbrink); 2020 May 1; Telephone Briefing.
Minegishi T, Strombotne KL, Frakt AB, Barr K. Preliminary findings of the policy analysis portion of the evaluation of the Stratification Tool for Opioid Risk Mitigation: Briefing before the Program Evaluation and Resource Center, VA Office of Mental Health Operations (Jody Trafton, Director); 2020 Apr 7; Telephone Briefing.
Garrido MM, Pizer SD, Kilbourne A. Evidence grading and member interviews: Briefing before the VHA Strategic Policy Council; 2020 Feb 10; Online briefing.
Pizer SD, Minegishi T, Pearson E. Follow-up for Mission Act Section 401: Health Care in Underserved Areas: Briefing before VHA Officials Valerie Mattison Brown, ADUSH for Policy and Planning; Dr. Kameron Matthews, DUSH Community Care; Dr. Susan Kirsh, Acting ADUSH for Access to Care; Dr. Jennifer MacDonald, Director of Clinical Innovations and Education, Office of Connected Care; Dr Jodie Trafton for Dr. Teresa Boyd, ADUSH for Clinical Operations; Dr Jessica Bonjorni, Acting Assistant Deputy USH for Workforce Services; other staff.; 2020 Jan 21; Online briefing.
Pizer SD, Pearson E, Minegishi T. Strategy session on PEPReC's work for MISSION 401 in preparation for Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing: Briefing before the Representatives of the Office of Veterans Access to Care, the Office of Planning & Policy, and the Office of Community Care; 2020 Jan 6; Online briefing.
Pizer SD, Garrido MM, Ndugga N, Griffith KN, Mull HJ, Kabdiyeva A, Gordon SH, Lowenstein R. PEPReC Work to Predict Community Care Spending: Briefing before the Office of Community Care (Dr. Kameron Matthews, DUSH, Dr. Clinton Greenstone, Deputy Executive Director for Clinical Integrity, Dr. Mark Upton, ADUSH for Community Care; Dr. Elizabeth Brill, Chief Medical Officer); 2019 Dec 16; Telephone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Garrido MM, Yee CA, Griffith KN, Minegishi T. Update on PEPReC's work on behalf of the Office of Community Care: Briefing before the Mark Upton, Assistant DUSH for Community Care; 2019 Jul 22; Telephone Briefing.
Garrido MM. PEPReC's work on evidence-based policy: Briefing before the COIN and Resource Directors; 2019 Jul 11; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD. Productivity, turnover and access. Preparation to serve on a panel for rebidding of Milliman contract: Briefing before the Steve Lieberman, Acting PDUSH for VHA, Mark Upton, Assistant DUSH for Community Care, and Laura Duke, VHA CFO; 2019 Jul 10; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD, Kilbourne AM. QUERI and PEPReC's work on implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking (FEBP) Act: Briefing before the Strategic Policy Council; 2019 Jul 9; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD. PEPReC's work on the Evidence-Based Policy Act, VISN collaboration, MISSION Act impact, and productivity: Briefing before the Vincent Ng, Director VA Boston Medical Center; 2019 Jun 13; Boston, MA.
Pizer SD. PEPReC's work MISSION Act Section 401 (undeserved facilities) and the Foundations of Evidence-Based Budgeting Act: Briefing before the Vincent Ng, Director of the VA Boston Healthcare Service; 2019 Apr 1; Boston, MA
Frakt AB, Garrido MM, Pizer SD. An Overview of PEPReC's Projects: Briefing before the QUERI Strategic Advisory Group; 2019 Mar 28; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD, Pearson E. PEPReC's work on Primary Care Modeling as part of Section 401 of the Mission Act: Briefing before the VISN 10 Chief Medical Officer Peter Dewes and Health System Specialist James Hall; 2019 Feb 25; Telephone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Frakt AB. Workforce Management, MISSION 401, and productivity: Briefing before the Vincent Ng, Director of the VA Boston Healthcare Service; 2018 Dec 11; Boston, MA.
Pizer SD. Wait-Time analysis work for the Mission Act: Briefing before the Steven Lieberman, Acting Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health, Valierie Mattison Brown (ADUSH Opp), Susan Kirsh, Acting ADUSH for OVAC, and Lucille Beck, Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Policy and Services; 2018 Nov 15; Washington DC.
Pizer SD. Mission Act workshop: Briefing before the OVAC Acting ADUSH Susan Kirsh; 2018 Nov 15; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD. The Cost of Sending Veterans to Community Care: Briefing before the Laura Duke, CFO, and OPP Staff; 2018 Nov 8; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD. Operations-Research Virtual Networks: Briefing before the VA Health Service Research & Development Center Directors (COIN); 2018 Nov 8; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD, Legler A, Kabdiyeva A, Barr K. FY18 Annual Report for Workforce Management: Briefing before Jessica Buonjorni, Acting ADUSH for Workforce Services; 2018 Oct 29; Telephone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Garrido MM. Research Priorities and Possible Funding Mechanisms for Access to Care Researchers: Briefing before the Director, HSR&D (David Atkins); Director, QUERI (Amy Kilbourne); Senior Medical Advisor, OVAC (Mike Davies); and the ADUSH for Access to Care (Susan Kirsh); 2018 Aug 30; Washington, DC.
Pizer SD, Kabdiyeva A, Minegishi T, Frakt AB, Yee C. FY18 2nd Quarter Progress Memo. Briefing to Whitney Henderson, Workforce Management and Consulting: 2018 Apr 5; Washington DC.
Pizer SD, Price ME, Yuan Y. Metrics Development Report: Briefing before the Transitions of Care Workgroup Leader, DoD/VA Interagency Program Office (David Schmidt, MD); 2018 Mar 28; Phone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Frakt AB, Yee C. Bundled Payments Policy Brief: Briefing before the Consultant to the Secretary of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (Charles Wiggins); 2018 Feb 6; Telephone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Frakt AB. Data Driven Workforce (From the Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center and the Office of Workforce Management & Consulting): Briefing before the Director of the VA Boston Healthcare System (Vincent Ng); 2018 Feb 5; West Roxbury, MA.
Pizer SD, Frakt AB, Yee C. Potential Impact on VHA of Repeal of Individual Mandate: Briefing before the VA Acting Undersecretary for Health (Carolyn Clancy, MD); 2017 Dec 20; Telephone Briefing.
Pizer SD, Frakt AB. A Data Driven Workforce Strategy: Briefing before the Director of the VA Boston Healthcare System (Vincent Ng); 2017 Nov 6; Boston, MA.
Steven Pizer, Christine Yee, Taeko Minegishi and Nicolae Done briefed Steve Lieberman, ADUSH for Access to Care, on recent work on access to care, November 2017
Steven Pizer, Christine Yee, Taeko Minegishi and Nicolae Done briefed Michael Davies, MD, Senior Medical Advisor, Office of Veterans Access to Care, on recent work on access to care, November 2017
Melissa Garrido briefed GEC-DAC (GEC’S data analysis center) on the VD-HCBS evaluation plans, May 2017
Melissa Garrido presented "Causal Modeling in Geriatrics: Propensity Scores," at the VA Geriatrics and Extended Care Data Analysis Center (GEC-DAC) Technical Infrastructure Meeting. Rochester, NY, May 2017
Julia Prentice and Steve Pizer presented “The Partnered Evidence-Based Policy Resource Center: Building the VA Learning Healthcare System” at the QUERI Strategic Advisory Group meeting in Washington DC, March 2017
Austin Frakt chaired the AcademyHealth Translation and Dissemination Institute semi-annual advisory committee meeting, Washington DC, March 2017
PEPReC provided OVAC (Mike Davies) with a list of analyses that respond to each recommendation from GAO Report 13-130 VA Health Care: Reliability of Reported Outpatient Medical Appointment Wait Times and Scheduling Oversight Need Improvement (GAO-13-130), March 2017
Steven Pizer and Aaron Legler briefed Norman E. Stone III Maj USAF AFDW and Steven Kator, MD, Physician Informatician, of VA-DOD Interoperability Program Office on PEPReC work for OIA on provider use of the Joint Legacy Viewer (JLV) and patient satisfaction, March 2017
Melissa Garrido (along with Richard Allman, Lori Gerhard, Jim Rudolph, Kali Thomas, and Nina Sperber) presented a webinar titled “Evaluation of Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services: Introduction Webinar” to representatives from VAMCs and Aging and Disability Network Agencies associated with operational VD-HCBS programs, Washington DC, January 2017
Steven Pizer, Austin Frakt, and Lynn Wolfsfeld discussed bundled payments with Kameron Matthews, Deputy Executive Director, Provider Relations and Services, Office of Connected Care, VHA, Washington DC, January 2017
Julia Prentice and Steven Pizer consulted with Amy Kilbourne, Director, QUERI and continued discussions with Mike Davies, Senior Medical Advisor, OVAC, Washington DC, January 2017
Julia Prentice, Steven Pizer and Austin Frakt led the PEPReC Review Panel Meeting, The following people participated: Carolyn Clancy, David Atkins, Mike Davies, Amy Kilbourne, Christine Yee, Merry Ward, DeAnn Farr, Joe Francis, Melissa Garrido, Rani Elwy, and Jodie Trafton, Washington DC, January 2017
Julia Prentice, Aaron Legler, and Steven Pizer, with Mike Davies, Senior Medical Advisor, OVAC, briefed Steve Lieberman, ADUSH for Access to Care, and Joan Clifford, Deputy ADUSH for Access, VA on “The impact of established patient scheduling practices on new patient access to care,” Washington DC, January 2017
Christine Yee, Aaron Legler, Steven Pizer and Julia Prentice briefed Michael Davies, Senior Medical Adviser, Office of Veterans Access to Care on “Scheduling Policy and New Patient Access,” Washington DC, December 2016
Garrido, M. PEPReC’s Planned Randomization and Evaluation Activities. Briefing to partners and stakeholders in the Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care, Home and Community Based Services, and the Administration for Community Living, Veterans Health Administration, Washington DC, December 2016
Pizer, S. Application of Basic Supply/Demand Concepts to Optimize Staffing and Access at VHA Medical Centers. Briefing to Senior Veterans Affairs managers, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, November 2016
Pizer, S. The future of Clinical Data Sharing in VistA. COIN Directors Meeting, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, November 2016
Prentice, J. Finalizing the Validation of Telephone Access Metrics. Briefing to Clinical Program Manager in Primary Care Operations and Primary Care Office, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, October 2016
Prentice J, Legler A, Pizer S. Partnered Evidence Based Policy Resource Center: Tools for Group Practice and Access Management. Briefing to Senior Veterans Affairs managers, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, September 2016
Prentice J, Legler A, Pizer S. Identifying Urgent Appointments in the VA. Briefing to Senior Veterans Affairs managers, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, August 2016
Prentice J, Pizer S, Frakt A. Partnered Evidence Based Policy Resource Center: Evolving the Learning Healthcare System. Briefing to Senior Veteran Affairs managers, Washington DC, July 2016
Pizer S, Minegishi T, Frakt A. What Can the Market Tell Us About VA Capacity And Demand Growth? Electronic briefing to Executive Director, Access & Clinic Administration Program, Department of Veterans Affairs, June 2016
Pizer S, Minegishi T, Frakt A. What Can the Market Tell Us About VA Capacity And Demand Growth? Electronic briefing to Office of Policy and Planning, Department of Veterans Affairs, June 2016
Prentice J, Li D, Pizer S. Telephone Access and Improved Veteran Satisfaction. Briefing to Senior Veterans Affairs managers, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, June 2016
Pizer S, Minegishi T, Frakt A Does Demand for VA Mental Health Care Exceed Capacity? Electronic briefing to Veterans Health Administration contractor Milliman Inc, April 2016
Pizer S, Minegishi T, Frakt A. Does Demand for VA Mental Health Care Exceed Capacity? Electronic briefing to senior manager, Office of Mental Health Services, Veterans Health Administration, March 2016
Prentice J, Legler A, Pizer S. Validating a Third Next Available Appointment Wait Time Metric. Briefing to Senior Veterans Affairs managers, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, February 2016