Biology, B.A.
To fulfill major requirements, students must successfully complete ten or more biology courses, each of which must be at least three credits, and include:
- BIO-111 Foundations of Biology
- BIO-210 Genetics or BIO-211 Molecular Genetics or BIO-212 Human Genetics or BIO-213 Population Genetics and Evolution
- BIO-222 Research and Analysis
- BIO-501 Independent Study or BIO-502 Research or BIO-503 Individualized Internship
- BIO-075 Seminar in Biology
at least one course from two of the following three groups:
Cell and Molecular Biology
- BIO-300 Cell Biology
- BIO-301 Microbiology
- BIO-303 Biochemistry of the Cell
- BIO-425 Developmental Biology
- BIO-445 Genomics and Bioinformatics
- BIO-450 Microanatomy
- BIO-455 Neurochemistry
- BIO-460 Neurobiology
- BIO-470 Immunology
Ecology and Environmental Biology
- BIO-340 Ecology
- BIO-343 Environmental Systems
- BIO-344 African Biodiversity and Conservation
- BIO-345 Field Ecology
- BIO-346 Forest Ecology
- BIO-430 Conservation Biology
- BIO-431 Landscape Ecology and Conservation
- BIO-434 Ecology and Management of Great Smoky Mountains
- BIO-435 Agroecology
Additional requirements
- at least four other courses in biology numbered 200 or higher
- the ETS Major Field Test in Biology
Further Considerations
B.A. students whose career preparations require successful completion of science and mathematics courses outside of biology may substitute one course from those areas for certain biology courses with the approval of the department chair. Moreover, two 2-credit biology courses numbered 200 or greater completed during the May Experience can be combined to fulfill one of the elective course requirements for either the B.A. or B.S. degree.
Teaching in Secondary Schools
Students seeking a career in secondary school teaching must complete a major in the field to obtain a teacher certification. They may take advantage of the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) graduate program. Please consult with the Education Department.